Sunday, April 25, 2010

I said what?

These are some things I said to my kids this past week:

Lilly, smell Monkeys butt.

Monkey, get down from the entertainment center.

No Lilly, you cannot give me a haircut.

You want a beatin'?

Friday, April 23, 2010

8 Questions

1. When do you feel happiest?
When I first get Monkey out of his bed and he gives me a big hug. And Listening to Lilly sing her made up songs.

2. How do you take care of yourself?
I have been working out after dropping Lilly off at school. It has been a daily time in my day where I think of only myself. I'm also going to invest in regular spa visits. I am hoping to go get a massage next weekend.

3. What do you do for fun?
love watching movies, going to dinner, shopping, reading blogs, words with friends, love a bubble bath, a locked bathroom door and a people magazine!

4. What intimidates you?
I can't really think of anything. I'm pretty fearless when it comes to people/places. I will say that dolls and birds creep me out.

5. What is something you're proud of?
almost 10 years of marriage to my husband. Very proud of his military service and sacrifice and that he is soon going to be an OFFICER!!! Proud I am Lilly and Thomas' mom.

6. Finish this sentence. I never _____________ leave my doors unlocked. Not even the car doors. Kris says I have a lock fetish.

7. Favorite vacation spot.
So far, Disney World all the way. But Salem, Indiana also has a taken up a huge spot in my heart..

8. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________ I was the BIGGEST heathen in Middle school and up until 11th grade. Then I met Jesus and it's been all that and then some.

Grace and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

This has been a hectic week. Kris has been in Texas all week and I'm READY for him to be home. I am happy to report that we are all still in one piece, but my living room is quite another story. Sometimes I feel like I am just haging on by a thread. Honestly most of the time I feel like I am hanging on by a thread and I cherish and appreciate the rare days when I feel it all works out and I am Mom of the Year. Sadly I had no days like that this week. It wasn't a horrible week but I really do miss Kris. It's hard being a single mom. And By God's grace I am not a true single mom. So I will appreciate and be grateful for being allowed to be one every other week. It has opened my eyes to what so many women out there live with.
Here is a list of my saving graces this past week:
Amy Stephens (Thank you for bringing Lilly home last minute and putting up with my crazy)

Cynthia Townsend (LOVING this new friendship and your motivation and encouragement rocks)

Grilled cheese sandwiches (I'm not ashamed to say the kids have eaten these more than once for dinner)

Home Group (One of the highlights of our week. Wednesday has turned into one of our favorite days of the week)

Jen Ghere (daily phone calls, daily texts. You ROCK, friend!)

Tara (thanks for letting me invite myself over and having an impromtu play date. Love our playdates and Monkey says Hi to Na-Na)

Marmie (u make me laugh everytime we talk. Even if its just due to the dumb voices we use)

Darcie (Monkey thanks you for the fruit loops. His mommy thanks you because he hadn't yet eaten breakfast that morning)

Kris (it really helps me deal with all the mundane tasks when I think about how hard you work for your family. Thank you for putting up with my crazy)

This is just a small list of ways God helped me get through the week. There are a ton more things but I it's 10:05 and my babies need breakfast.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Five things I love Friday (Sunday edition)

Oops. I forgot to post the 5 things I am loving this week. I know its late but I'm sure the 3 people who read this blog will understand.

1. Hipstamatic I-Phone App. I LA-HOVE this app. It takes the coolest pics. Here are a few of my favorites from this past week.
2. VEGAS BABY! Kris and I will be celebrating our TEN YEAR anniversary this July. We have been talking about going on a trip just the two of us. We have not done this since our honeymoon. We talked about Disneyworld (well, mostly me), Colorado, Hot Springs, Sandals resorts, Cruises but FINALLY settled on VEGAS BABY! I am soo stoked. I absolutely LOVE planning trips. We are planning to go in October!!!!
3. Coffee Coffee Coffee. Enough said
4. Being Outdoors. This is all a part of the whole excercise thing thats developing in my life. I have never been an outdoorsy person, (not a real big fan of sweating). But Kris and I have been spending the past several weekends doing lots of outdoor activities. We washed and detailed cars yesterday and let the kids play in the sprinkler. Twice. Then went to Darcie and Terry's where I sat on the deck and listened to 3 cousins splish and splash and have a super fun time. Then topped off the evening with a double date on the back porch, eating crawfish with D and T Moore. Super great Saturday!!!!!
5. Being a mom. Yes its a DAILY challenge and sometimes I feel like I am hanging on by a thread. But I love my babies. Even when Monkey throws himself to the ground in a tantrum because I cannot peel a banana fast enough for him. Or when Tootie has a complete meltdown because her shorts don't match her shirt when I pick out "play clothes" for her. I love these kids. I love my family. That's about all I need.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chocolate Monkey

I was sitting at my desk doing some work this morning when I heard a strange sound. It was a mix of slurping and smacking. I looked over my desk and this is what I saw:

This is what happens when you DO NOT put the baby gate up and your son clibs onto the kitchen table and gets into the easter baskets! Have I ever mentioned how much I am OBSESSED witht his baby?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Five things I love Friday

For any of you that follow Elsie Flanigans blog I totally stole this idea from her. But imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

1. I (gulp) like Excercising. Yep I, Melissa Dawn Fridge just typed those words. I know, even I can hardly believe it. But it is my only time for myself. And I feel SOOO very good once I do it. Athletic. Powerful. All-that!!!

2. Currently Loving me some Deadliest Catch. If you don't watch it stop what you are doing immediately and watch it.

3. Five in a Row homeschool Curriculum. Lilly and I started this a few weeks before she went to her Bobbie's house. And we are starting our next book Monday and I cannot wait. I have learned so much already, that the appendix is connected to the large intestine, the Seine River runs through Paris and empties intot he English Channel, and about a lovely man name Louis Bleriot.

4. Playing Words with Friends on my I-phone. Today I legitimately beat Terry Lee Moore in a game. And it was Ah-mazing!

5. My john piper Bible study :Don't waste your life. Every time I read it it kicks me in the butt. Its brutal but oh so written for me.

What are you loving today?????