Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ma Baby Daddy continued.....

11. Kris has an irrational fear of ordering food at Piccadilly. It really stresses him out. He also hates ordering anything for me at a drive thru-special ordering makes him want to give up on life.

12. His best day ever would consist of me making him really soggy french toast chased by a ridiculously huge glass of milk, then me going to guitar center with him for 12 hours and ooh and ahh over all the equipment. Next would be fishing and/or shooting the gun at Darcie and Terry's. Then we come home and I sit on the couch and watch Myth Busters or Pawn Stars with him and I am not aloud to sigh heavily or make any comments about how lame the show is.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ma Baby Daddy

10 things people need to know about Kris Fridge

1. He finds the dentist soothing
2. He likes to eat the raw pie dough when I make a pie.
3. He is one heckuva ice skater. Seriously. I just discovered this about him after our recent vacation to Tennesee. He now has the nickname Kris-Fridge Yamaguchi.
4. He is incredibly patient with our kids.
5. He has a personalized liscense plate obsession. (ok so this isn't really a secret to all his facebook friends).
6. He can pretty much fix anything. Seriously he rocks.
7. He thinks Starbucks is the downfall of society.
8. He's a good singer and we frequently harmonize in the car.
9. He refuses to apply diaper cream to Monkeys tush (creeps him out).
10. He is THE LOVE of my life.

Happy Father's Day!