Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hello Stranger

Hi there.  Its been a while.  Ok its actually been about 9 months.  ALOT has happened in the past 9 months!  The last time I blogged wehad just found out we were expecting a baby.  Well he's here now. And has been for nearly 10 weeks already!  Doesn't time fly when you're sleep deprived?  He is in one word:  LUSCIOUS!
Lilly has nearly completed her First grade year at school.  She is reading on a 4th grade level and has excelled on every level.  She just passed her Gifted Arts screening and will be starting a new arts curriculum next year.    

Thomas is beyond "all boy"!  He keeps us on our toes EVERY minute of every day!  He is such a blessing and so much fun.  He has welcomed "his baby" with open arms and an open heart!  We are really enjoying watching his new relationship with his brother.

Kris and I will be celebrating 12, count em 12 years of marriage this July.  One word:  WOWZERS!  He is such a blessing to our family and to me specifically.  I couldn't ask for a better husband or better Daddy to our kids.  We have recently received the news that he will be deploying to Kuwait in January. For a year.  GULP!  This news definately comes with lots of mixed emotions.  On one hand I am beyond proud of his service to our country and of course on the other hand its going to be the hardest year of our family's life.  But we know God has his hand on everything and thats all we can trust in. 

I also have to share that my Baby Brother, Dylan got married!!!!!  We just got back from the wedding and had a great time in Florida.  I'm SO VERY HAPPY for Dylan and Rachel and even more happy that God gave him a GREAT GIRL!
So with that I promise to be a better blogger.  And use this an outlet to get all my funny, sad, disturbing, and sometimes innapropriate thoughts out there for all the world to see.  Or alteast the 3 people who follow this blog :)