Saturday, July 31, 2010


Have you ever played a game called "I Never...."? Its basically the easiest peasiest game in the world. Much easier than "Panda" (Look Katie, you're on the internet :) Basically someone says "I never...... fill in the blank. And you stand or raise your hand if you have in fact done what has been said. Example: I a tattoo. I would stand up, since I have 4 (don't judge me). So here is a list of I Nevers..................................................
ps the following list might not be for the faint of heart. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I NEVER....................
skipped school
blew a duck call in 8th grade Social studies class.
held up a lighter at a pep rally and subsequently got suspended for it.
used a diaper to clean up spilled coke in a restaraunt.
picked up am entire pizza off the ground when Thomas pulled it off the counter, dusted it off and then never told Kris what happened.
went to summer school.
t.p'd a teachers house.
got into a fist fight.
flunked a class.
had my tongue pierced. Twice.
called in sick when I really wasn't.
worked for hancock fabrics.
caused a 4 car wreck.
cheated on a test.
wished I had done things differently.
has a nose bleed in math class.
ran away from home.
called a teacher a cuss word.
smoked pot.
was a candy striper.
smoked behind the T building at St. Amant.
lost a good friendship.
fell in love with a rockstar (look Kris, you're on the internet:)
had 2 amazing children who have stolen my heart.

What have you never done?????

1 comment:

  1. ok #1... i know of 3 tatts where is the 4th? and #2 you left out the best thing ever ... ate stuffed eggs from the most amazing house in the woods
