Its been SEVERAL months since I have blogged and our family has had LOTS of changes in the past months. Its amazing to see how our life and our little family is so different since just April.
The first change is we're having another baby. Surprise, Melissa and Kris! I was at the place where content with our perfect "nuclear" family but apparently God has other plans. After several days of disbelief and shock we are very excited about this new addition and we are all looking forward to the spring!
Tootie has started first grade. This has been met with many milestones already. She is in public school for the first time, has been able to ride the school bus for the first time, and even ate in the cafeteria. She has had a little adjustment but yesterday she came home saying school was"good". This is definitely an improvement from the first day of school when she got into the car at the end of the day and burst into tears.
Thomas IS POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!! Praise the LORD and THANKS DARCIE!!!!!! He and I have been enjoying some alone time while Sissy is at school. Other than his daily meltdown when Sissy gets on the school bus and he can't he is doing great! Love that little man!
And Kris has started a professional iDevice and computer repair business: He has had a great start and we are praying he continues to stay busy. He has also decided to use his GI Bill and will be going back to school in the fall to get a Masters in Computer Science. I'm super proud of him and thankful for him!
Hi rememebr me? Its been ages since I've blogged. I constantly think of things I want to blog about but when it comes to it I forget or am no longer inspired. So I thought I would ease back into the blogosphere with an easy post. 11 things I am currently obsessed with.
#1 This BOY! He loves him some "pay-doh" and I asked him to smile and show me his teeth. This is what I got. Cute, no?
#3 Making household products myself. Last week I made baby wipes, laundry detergent AND all-purpose cleaner. It feels GREAT knowing that I am not only saving boo-koo moolah but also helping our family use less chemicals.
#4. HOMESCHOOL HOMESCHOOL HOMESCHOOL (checking out curriculum, talking to other homeschoolers, getting lots of advice and ideas).
#5 My new "Role" at Crosspoint. Community Outreach Lady. Really enjoying serving our community and so very thankful I have more time to do so.
#6. This song:
#7 Collecting "F" initials. So far I only have 3 in my collection but I'm hoping to add more and have a wall in my kitchen with a big "F" display. Odd I know.
#8 Playgrounds. The kids and I have been going to different playgrounds a few days a week after school. We have been really enjoying the fresh air, and I have been really enjoying them burn lots of energy. Lots and lots of energy :)
#9 Conversations with Lilly. They can range anywhere from completely bizarre to heartfelt and spirit-filled. But however they are I am thankful they happen. I pray she ALWAYS wants to talk to me.
#10 New friends and old ones who I can count on, support me, encourage me, and share Jesus with me.
#11 My Hubby, Kris. Thankful for his service and his role in our family. He is a great husband, a patient and loving Father, and an all-around wonderful human being. I like him. Alot.
Lilly definately has a style all her own. Sometimes I wish I had as much self confidence as this girl does. I pray she never loses her "all out" spirit. She makes my heart smile!!!
Well another Valentines Day has come and gone. Woopty Doo. I am very shocked at my attitude towards it this year. Normally I go way over-board with gifts and trinkets for the kids and even a few for Kris. This year, not so much. I went to the kitchen to start my regular morning routines and was joined by Kris who simply told me "Happy Valentines Day". It literally made me smile and my heart melt. Thats all I needed from him, he said it first. Wow, I love that man! Sorry, I got distracted from my original point.
Lilly came down the stairs asking where her gifts were. I told her no one got a gift this year and she seemed ok with it. There was no meltdown, no throwdown. At no point did Lilly tell me I ruined her life, like she did one time when she spilled water on her dress-up clothes. There were no tears shed and no spankings dished out. She was..............calm. Wow. Usually the living room would look like Cupid had just come off a 48 hour bender. But to be honest with you I simply just forgot. And I am ecstatic to say......WE ALL SURVIVED!!!!!!!!! And I just might forget to make Easter baskets too!
These are my kids. Cute, no? I am constantly trying to capture a pic of them BOTH cooperating and smiling and looking at the camera. But it never fails that Thomas would rather eat broken glass than to obey Mama. He gets fired multiple times a day. Lilly tries her best but even she gets distracted with her brothers antics. I HEART THESE KIDS TIMES A BAJILLION (even if they do run me crazy).
Last week, my sweet bestie from high school , Lindsey invited Thomas and I to the zoo with her sweet twin girls. We had such an amazing time that I decided to buy a yearly family pass. So yesterday Kris and I decided to take our 2 "animals" on a little visit to the zoo. We had a great time! So sweet to see Thomas' face and Lilly still gets excited too. Highlights of the day included some great close-up shots of a beautiful giraffe (which Lilly was able to pet) and Thomas spotting his beloved "Dinos" aka Rhinos. If you havent been to the BR ZOO in a while I highly recommend it!
What a great year 2010 has been!!!! We have had many ups and only a handful of downs! Every year that passes I am reminded of how much God has blessed me and how inadequate I am in thanking him. I have made one of my new years resolutions to be truly 'Thankful" for the good and the nots so good. So in the spirit of looking back here is a list of our Top 10 moments of 2010!
#10. Lilly learned how to ride her bike without training wheels.
#9. We vacationed in Gatlinburg and Gulf Shores. ( yes this is techinally 2 things but its my blog and I make the rules)!
#8. We completed the American Heart Association 5K in memory of my Dad!
#7. Thomas learned to walk, then quickly started to run!#6. Lilly started Kindergarten at Crosspoint!#5. We went to Disneyworld with Kris' mom, Mrs. Debbie (AND HAD A BLAST)!
#4. We celebrated Lilly's 6th birthday and Thomas' 2nd birthday (Yes this is technically 2 things but its my blog and you know the drill)!
#3. Lilly started cheerleading, piano lessons, and became a Girl Scout!
#2. We spent Thanksgiving in Indiana!
#1. Kris and I celebrated 10 years of marriage in San Franciso, and had an amazing time!
I'm REALLY looking forward to what 2011 has in store for us!
I am a wife to Kris, a Mama to Sissy, Buddy and thrid baby who's yet to be nicknamed. I love laughing, reality tv, reading blogs, cooking, roller skating, Jesus, sarcasm, Will Ferrell, white cherry icees, sushi, breastfeeding, carbs, texting, coffee, snuggling with my family, photography, sign language, sleeping in, down comforters, praise and worship, musicals, my dust buster, my family, in no particular order.
I hate beans, laundry, passive aggressiveness, Andy McDowell, people in airports who are rude to people with kids, Zooey Dechanel,and lots of other things that I can't think of right this minute.
I am a wife, mom, teacher, sister, daughter, grandaughter, cousin, Aunt, friend, Jesus follower, singer, comedian, proud american, wide open person.
I am not a sissy, soft spoken, or meek and I seldom filter what I say and think.
Welcome to my blog.