Thursday, September 16, 2010

Things that make me gag

Yesterday I was in walmart and saw 2, count em, 2 old ladies sans bras. GAG! While I am all for women empowerment must I be occularly assulted by these women who are either a. too lazy to take the extra 3 seconds to put on a bra or b. really think anyone in the free world would be even remotely interested to see their mammary glands flopping around town. Dear Old ladies, Pah-leez do society a favor and strap em back up!!!

So while I'm on the subject I thought I would make a small list of things that make me gag.

The guy who works the popeyes drive thru who has fingernails that would make barbra Streisand envious. Dude, if you are not a freelance hand model cut those things down!!!!!!!!!

Tyra Banks. Gag. She gets on my nerves times infinity.

False compliments. Theres a chick I know who, honestly we have nothing in common. But everytime we are together she feels the need to incessantly compliment me on my kids. Look, I already know my kids are rock stars. I don't need someone trying to get in my good graces to give me fake compliments.

Weirdos at the healthclub. Old ladies in the hottub with white bras on, the lady who runs, yes runs on the treadmill in flip flops, the guys who look like a giants on the top and 12 year olds on the bottom. Hello???? Have you ever heard of a calf raise????

The end.

Just thought of another one.......Flo from the Progressive commercial. Can she please get a gig on a daytime soap or something so she can quit making commercials and I never have to see/hear her again?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Flo told me that she thinks your kids rock. Gag times two, score!
